Saturday, May 9, 2009

Last of Swimming day

All of us kids and mom & dad (nice glare)

Kinlee, Carter, Dax, Lydia

Luke, Tragen, Brayli

KaReena's family
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After Swimming

Jerika & Aunt Cindy, Blake's wife

Nakia, Merrill & Kayla

Shelby, Blake & Mom

Ashlin (Shelby's oldest), Dad & KaReena
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Saturday before Easter

The last few years on the Saturday before Eater Sunday mom and dad take all of us to Green Canyon to go swimming. This year I decided I wasn't swimming and I think you can all see the reason. Anyway, Ray was the responsible adult in the family this year and got in the pool, even though he REALLY didn't want to. What a sport. I was really fun though, we stayed around afterward and ate lunch and talked. Ray, mom and Brian (KaReena's husband)
Kelsie (my neice, Shelby's daughter) & I, the non swimmers.

More Ray & Brian

Jerika & Tragen (my nephew)

Below: Kinlee & Carter (my nephew, Blake's son)

The last few years on the Saturday before Eater Sunday mom and dad take all of us to Green Canyon to go swimming. This year I decided I wasn't swimming and I think you can all see the reason. Anyway, Ray was the responsible adult in the family this year and got in the pool, even though he REALLY didn't want to. What a sport. I was really fun though, we stayed around afterward and ate lunch and talked.

A few months behind as usual!!

Dad & I and a little bit of Ray.

Isn't my husband precious?

Happy little family, even after I made Ray go swimming.
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Christmas until NOW

Yes, I said it.  Christmas until now.  This might actually be the first time I am actually caught up.  Yay me.  Now I need to go back and JO...