Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Jerika Part 3

"God will always make a way where there is no way." 
- Gordon B. Hinckley

This quote sums this week up beautifully and accurately. I cannot express how thankful I am to a loving Heavenly Father who constantly took care of Jerika this week. She is out of the ICU as of this afternoon. They keep telling us she is a miracle and her progress is unheard of. We aren't sure when we get to take her home but we are just thankful she has made it this far. She won't be able to return to work for awhile so we are more than thankful for the donations and prayers. You will never understand how much it means to them and us. 
And I can't end this post without thanking the doctors, nurses, hospital staff and EMTs that worked so hard to save her life. We are hearing stories that are unbelievable and show us without a doubt God had everyone where they needed to be at exactly the right time for her to survive. I can't thank everyone enough 💜💜💜

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