Saturday, October 12, 2024

Jerika Part 7 September 27

We took Jerika home tonight to sleep in her own bed. We are so proud of her progress and determination to get better. It's my first night in 12 days not under the same roof as her, which I have very mixed feelings about. Her sister still won't leave her so she is helping again tonight at Jerika's house. Kinlee has taken care of her every night and most of the days since she's been out of the hospital. It is probably time for her to go home so Cade can help take care of her in the evenings. He's been so patient with us and our need to help take care of her while he's been working and going to school. We're just so glad she's alive and doing better than anyone could have predicted. Thanks again for all the prayers and donations. 😘🥰😍💜

Jerika Part 6

A big thank you those who took time out of their busy lives to be at the hospital with us last week. The visits from friends and family as we sat for 6 straight days in the hospital only leaving twice. The ones who just knew what we needed including food, phone calls and shoulders to cry on. We couldn't have done last week alone. You know who you are and your kindness will never be forgotten. The big brother that had just barely met his sister a few short weeks ago but made the effort to come to the hospital almost every day to check on his sister and make sure the rest of us were okay too. Our support system is amazing. It was hard sitting in the same waiting room we sat in just last year while my dad slowly deteriorated and lost his battle against cancer. But you people showed up and helped us stay positive even though it was so hard for you in that room too. You people are just one more Miracle to add to our list 💜💜

Jerika Part 5

I've never been happier to have all my humans together in the same place. This week was Brutal. The doctor told us today when he released Jerika that she was his most critical patient in all the 25 years of him being a doctor and that he didn't think she would make it. With Jerika's permission I will share some of the miracles, tender mercies and stories from the week. If any of us were questioning our testimony at the beginning of the week all of us could tell you for a fact there is a God and he is good and saved our girl. Thanks again everyone for everything.

Jerika Part 4

We have had several people ask for Jerika's venmo here is Cade's @Cade-Robinson-12 (last 4 of phone 3932) 
For those who have asked what they can do to help this would be it since she won't be returning to work for awhile. When we told her how much people were helping she cried.
This picture is a pretty good indication of what a lot of her body looks like. I have never seen so many bruises ever. It took a lot of work to keep her alive.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Jerika Part 3

"God will always make a way where there is no way." 
- Gordon B. Hinckley

This quote sums this week up beautifully and accurately. I cannot express how thankful I am to a loving Heavenly Father who constantly took care of Jerika this week. She is out of the ICU as of this afternoon. They keep telling us she is a miracle and her progress is unheard of. We aren't sure when we get to take her home but we are just thankful she has made it this far. She won't be able to return to work for awhile so we are more than thankful for the donations and prayers. You will never understand how much it means to them and us. 
And I can't end this post without thanking the doctors, nurses, hospital staff and EMTs that worked so hard to save her life. We are hearing stories that are unbelievable and show us without a doubt God had everyone where they needed to be at exactly the right time for her to survive. I can't thank everyone enough 💜💜💜

Saturday, October 5, 2024

September 17 Part 2

I cannot let this day end without thanking everyone from the bottom of my heart. This little girls mama is breathing on her own tonight. Jerika is a Miracle!!!! The tender mercies are innumerable the blessings never ending. She is going to have a long road to recovery as would anyone after what she's been through. We can't thank you all enough for the prayers and donations. We are astounded by the outpouring of love. The doctors are still amazed at her progress. I was able to hear her beautiful voice tonight. I never thought I would be so thankful to hear someone talk to me. Thank you all again. Some have asked for their venmo and it is @cade-robinson-12 and his last 4 of his phone is 3932. God is real and miracles do happen we witnessed it this week💜
I also have to thank Madison Memorial Hospital and the EMTs on the ambulance and Idaho Falls Community Hospital. These people saved her life.